In­flu­encer Agree­ment in Prac­tice

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Catrin, UK Solicitor
04/09/2024 ● 3 minutes
An In­flu­encer Agree­ment is es­sen­tial for de­fin­ing ex­pect­a­tions, pro­tect­ing in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­erty, and en­sur­ing com­pli­ance with ad­vert­ising stand­ards.

In today's di­git­al age, in­flu­encer mar­ket­ing has become one of the most power­ful tools for brands to con­nect with their target audi­ence. However, as the in­flu­encer in­dus­try grows, so do the com­plex­it­ies of man­aging these part­ner­ships.

An in­flu­encer agree­ment is a formal con­tract between a business or brand and an in­flu­encer (usu­ally a person with a sig­ni­fic­ant online pres­ence or social media fol­low­ing).

The agree­ment out­lines the terms and con­di­tions under which the in­flu­encer will pro­mote the brand's pro­ducts or ser­vices when doing col­lab­or­a­tion with the com­pany.

In­flu­encer Mar­ket­ing Grow­ing Rap­idly

In­flu­encer mar­ket­ing con­tin­ues to grow rap­idly, with the in­dus­try pro­jec­ted to reach £24.6-£27.88 bil­lion in 2024. This growth is largely driven by the in­creas­ing pop­ular­ity of plat­forms like In­s­tagram, TikTok, and You­Tube, which are among the most-used chan­nels for in­flu­encer mar­ket­ing.

Spend­ing on in­flu­encer mar­ket­ing is also rising, with US brands ex­pec­ted to al­loc­ate £5.85 bil­lion to it by 2024. Mar­keters con­tinue to in­crease budgets as they see strong re­turns, in­clud­ing an es­tim­ated £7.87 earned in media value for every £1 spent (source: Stat­ista).

These stat­ist­ics demon­strate that in­flu­encer mar­ket­ing is a power­ful tool for brands, of­fer­ing high en­gage­ment and return on in­vest­ment across a vari­ety of plat­forms.

Reas­ons to Create In­flu­encer Agree­ment

An In­flu­encer Agree­ment is es­sen­tial for en­sur­ing that both the brand and the in­flu­encer are aligned on ex­pect­a­tions, de­liv­er­ables, and legal ob­lig­a­tions.

An In­flu­encer Agree­ment out­lines

  • The spe­cif­ic tasks the in­flu­encer is ex­pec­ted to per­form, such as the number of posts, con­tent type, and plat­forms to be used.
  • Who owns the cre­ated con­tent and how it can be used, pro­tect­ing your brand's in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­erty and en­sur­ing com­pli­ance with copy­right laws.
  • Brands must ensure com­pli­ance with ad­vert­ising stand­ards. A writ­ten agree­ment helps both parties un­der­stand their legal ob­lig­a­tions, pro­tect­ing against po­ten­tial fines or repu­ta­tion­al damage.
  • The agree­ment can clearly define pay­ment terms, in­clud­ing the amount, pay­ment schedule, and any con­di­tions for re­ceiv­ing pay­ment.

What Does an In­flu­encer Agree­ment In­clude?

An in­flu­encer agree­ment in­cludes de­tails like the scope of work (con­tent cre­ation), com­pens­a­tion, timelines, con­tent guidelines, ex­clus­iv­ity clauses, usage rights, legal dis­clos­ure re­quire­ments, and ter­min­a­tion con­di­tions.

  • Scope of work: De­tails of the con­tent the in­flu­encer will create, such as posts, stor­ies, videos, etc.
  • Com­pens­a­tion: The pay­ment or be­ne­fits the in­flu­encer will re­ceive, whet­h­er in cash, free pro­ducts, com­mis­sions, or other in­cent­ives.
  • Timeline: The schedule for con­tent cre­ation and pub­lish­ing.
  • Con­tent guidelines: Re­quire­ments re­garding mes­saging, brand­ing, hasht­ags, or spe­cif­ic calls to action the in­flu­encer should in­clude in their posts.
  • Ex­clus­iv­ity: Whet­h­er the in­flu­encer can pro­mote com­pet­ing pro­ducts or ser­vices during the agree­ment's term.
  • Usage rights: Who owns the rights to the con­tent, and whet­h­er the brand can reuse or re­pur­pose the in­flu­encer’s con­tent.
  • Dis­clos­ure re­quire­ments: Com­pli­ance with legal reg­u­la­tions, such as the re­quire­ment to dis­close sponsored con­tent clearly (e.g., using hasht­ags like #ad or #sponsored).
  • Ter­min­a­tion: Terms under which the agree­ment can be ended by either party.

In­flu­encer Agree­ment Tem­plate

A basic In­flu­encer Agree­ment Tem­plate that you can cus­tom­ise for your spe­cif­ic needs:


This In­flu­encer Agree­ment ("Agree­ment") is entered into on [Date] by and between:

  • Brand/Com­pany Name: [Com­pany Name], having its prin­cipal place of business at [Ad­dress] ("Com­pany").
  • In­flu­encer Name: [In­flu­encer's Full Name], resid­ing at [In­flu­encer's Ad­dress] ("In­flu­encer").

1. Scope of Work

  • De­liv­er­ables: The In­flu­encer agrees to create and pub­lish the fol­low­ing con­tent:
    • [Number] of In­s­tagram Posts
    • [Number] of In­s­tagram Stor­ies
    • [Number] of Blog Posts
    • [Any other spe­cif­ic con­tent type]
  • Plat­form: The con­tent will be shared on the fol­low­ing plat­forms:
    • [e.g., In­s­tagram, TikTok, You­Tube, Blog, etc.]
  • Con­tent De­tails: The con­tent should adhere to the fol­low­ing guidelines:
    • Use of spe­cif­ic hasht­ags: [e.g., #Brand­Name, #Ad, #Sponsored]
    • Tags/men­tions: [@Brand­Handle, etc.]
    • Mes­sage/Theme: [Spe­cify key themes, brand mes­sage, product focus, etc.]

2. Com­pens­a­tion

  • The In­flu­encer will be com­pensated as fol­lows:
    • Fee: £[Amount] (pay­able within [Number] days after com­ple­tion of the cam­paign)
    • Ad­di­tion­al Com­pens­a­tion: [If ap­plic­able, e.g., free pro­ducts, af­fil­i­ate com­mis­sion, travel ex­penses, etc.]
  • Pay­ment Terms: [De­tails of pay­ment method and schedule]

3. Timeline

  • Cam­paign Start Date: [Date]
  • Cam­paign End Date: [Date]
  • Sub­mis­sion Dates: Draft con­tent must be sub­mit­ted for ap­prov­al by [Date].

4. Con­tent Ap­prov­al

  • All con­tent must be ap­proved by the Com­pany before it is pub­lished. The Com­pany may re­quest changes, and the In­flu­encer agrees to revise the con­tent in line with feed­back.
  • Con­tent must comply with the Com­pany's brand guidelines, which are at­tached as Ex­hib­it A.

5. Ex­clus­iv­ity

  • During the term of this Agree­ment, the In­flu­encer shall not pro­mote or engage in any col­lab­or­a­tion with direct com­pet­it­ors of the Com­pany, unless ex­pressly agreed in writ­ing.

6. Dis­clos­ure

  • The In­flu­encer agrees to clearly dis­close their part­ner­ship with the Com­pany in com­pli­ance with ap­plic­able laws and guidelines, in­clud­ing but not lim­ited to using hasht­ags like #Ad or #Sponsored.

7. Usage Rights

  • The Com­pany is granted a per­petu­al, world­wide, non-ex­clus­ive right to use, re­pro­duce, and re­pur­pose the con­tent cre­ated by the In­flu­encer for mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion­al pur­poses.
  • In­flu­encer agrees not to remove the con­tent from their plat­forms without prior writ­ten con­sent from the Com­pany.

8. Con­fid­en­ti­al­ity

  • The In­flu­encer agrees to keep all in­form­a­tion re­garding this col­lab­or­a­tion, in­clud­ing pay­ment de­tails and mar­ket­ing strategies, con­fid­en­tial unless writ­ten per­mis­sion is given by the Com­pany.

9. Ter­min­a­tion

  • Either party may ter­min­ate this Agree­ment by provid­ing [Number] days' writ­ten notice.
  • The Com­pany may ter­min­ate im­me­di­ately for breach of con­tract, failure to meet agreed-upon dead­lines, or in­ap­pro­pri­ate be­ha­viour that could harm the brand's repu­ta­tion.

10. In­dem­ni­fic­a­tion

  • The In­flu­encer agrees to in­dem­ni­fy and hold the Com­pany harm­less from any claims, li­ab­il­it­ies, dam­ages, or ex­penses arising out of the In­flu­encer's per­form­ance of this Agree­ment, in­clud­ing any third-party claims re­lated to in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­erty in­fringe­ment.

11. Gov­ern­ing Law

  • This Agree­ment shall be gov­erned by and con­strued in ac­cord­ance with the laws of [Jur­is­dic­tion/Coun­try].

12. Mis­cel­laneous

  • Entire Agree­ment: This Agree­ment con­sti­tutes the entire un­der­stand­ing between the parties and su­per­sedes all prior agree­ments or un­der­stand­ings.
  • Modi­fic­a­tions: Any modi­fic­a­tions to this Agree­ment must be in writ­ing and signed by both parties.


Brand/Com­pany Rep­res­ent­at­ive:
Sig­na­ture: ____________________
Name: ____________________
Title: ____________________
Date: ____________________

Sig­na­ture: ____________________
Name: ____________________
Date: ____________________

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