Make a Will Online that's Tailored for You
Ready in 10 minutes
Legally binding Will based on your wishes
From £99
"So simple and good. The questions and choices were so clear. You didn't need to worry about the text being legally correct. A very affordable service that allows changes at no extra cost and access to legal assistance..."
John M.

Your Go-To Will Writing Service in the UK ✓
Fixed Prices, No Hourly Rates ✓
Trusted by 150 000+ individuals ✓
How it works
Simply answer questions and select terms for your Will – we'll take care of the rest.
Answer questions

Answer a few simple questions to get started on your Will
Choose terms & inheritors

Review recommended terms and choose the inheritors for your Will
Your Will is ready!

Download your Will instantly and secure your legacy

Need assistance? Our legal team is ready to clear things up via chat – completely free of charge.
What's included?
When you create your Will in Aatos, you don't have to worry about printing, storing or updating it.
Your Will is always accessible and up to date.
Aatos Carefree
Your Will
Your Tailored Will
Home Delivery
Printed with High Quality
Digital Copy in your Account
Update Anytime
Unlimited Revisions
Ongoing Legal Support
Expert Advice On-Demand
Digital Signatures
Sign Any Document Online
"Surprisingly easy."
Simplicity and quality stand out in our customer feedback. Explore more on our Trustpilot profile
"So simple and good. The questions and choices were so clear. You didn't need to worry about the text being legally correct. A very affordable service that allows changes at no extra cost and access to legal assistance.."
John M.
"Easy for someone without legal knowledge and without anyone in the close circle who could help. I recommend to everyone considering making a will and not wanting to pay dearly for lawyers."
Margaret A.
"The system's questions were clear and easy to answer. The system seemed to handle everything comprehensively. The final document also looks professionally made."
Eva S.
Whatever questions you have, we'll answer.
Here are the most common ones you might be considering. Reach us via the chat.
Aatos Carefree
Creating a Will with Aatos guarantees that your document is not only legally sound and customised to your needs but also remains current. It's also the most cost-efficient way of writing your Will.
In comparison, the cost of creating a Will with other UK providers can range from £250 to £900 per document. In contrast, Aatos offers a Carefree subscription for just £99 per year. Aatos Carefree includes the benefits of unlimited updates and anytime access to your Will.
The Aatos Carefree subscription ensures your Will is always up to date. All documents you generate are securely stored in your account, allowing you to modify them at your convenience. Additionally, you will receive hard copies of these documents at your doorstep, without any additional charges.
Currently the yearly subscription to Aatos Carefree includes:
- Your Tailored Will
- Free Print & Home Delivery
- Edit & Update whenever you need
- Store digital copy in your account
- Legal help always available
- Free use of Aatos eSign service
Yes, all documents can be purchased individually. The price per document when bought individually is £119. Additionally, there is a home delivery charge of £30 for individual documents.
With the Aatos Carefree annual subscription (£99), you can create an unlimited number of documents, which we store digitally and deliver the hard copies to your home. You can also modify the conditions and people mentioned in the documents at any time.
You can quickly contact our customer service team via the chat button located in the bottom right corner of the site. Our legal help in chat is always totally free of charge.
Our online platform empowers you to draft your own legal documents with ease and convenience. Our team comprises experienced international and SRA qualified lawyers who are available to support you with our services. Aatos Legal Technology Ltd is not a law firm and is not regulated by the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority).
Writing your Will Online
Creating your Will online with Aatos ensures your final wishes are legally binding and clearly documented. Aatos simplifies the will-making process, allowing you to draft a personalised will comfortably from home, eliminating the need for costly legal fees or appointments. Our intuitive platform guides you, ensuring your will meets your specific needs.
Aatos offers the convenience of online will creation and the flexibility to update your document as circumstances change. Whether it's changes in assets, family dynamics, or personal wishes, Aatos allows for easy Will modifications. Your will is securely stored and easily accessible, ensuring your affairs are in order and your loved ones are protected as intended.
Yes, creating an online Will is possible. Like many aspects of our lives, the process of writing your Will has transitioned to the digital realm. Our platform, developed by legal professionals, offers a time and cost-efficient way to write your Will. Our legal team remains on hand to provide assistance whenever required.
Choosing a Will writing service like Aatos ensures that your Will is not only legally compliant but also tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Unlike a DIY approach, our service provides expert guidance and support, helping you navigate complex legal and personal decisions. This reduces the risk of errors or omissions that could make your Will invalid or contestable.
Dying without a Will, known as dying intestate, means your estate will be distributed according to strict intestacy rules, which may not align with your wishes. This could lead to unintended beneficiaries and complications for your loved ones. Creating an online Will ensures your estate is distributed according to your precise wishes, providing peace of mind and clarity for your family.
Aatoksesta tekoihin
Olemme suomalainen yritys, jolla on yli 150 000 asiakkaan kokemus edunvalvontavaltuutuksen ja muiden asiakirjojen laadinnasta.
Henkilöstömme koostuu kokeneista juristeista, teknisistä kehittäjistä ja asiakaspalvelijoista.
Me uskomme, että kaikki henkilökohtaiset lakiasiat tulee pystyä hoitamaan helposti ja luotettavasti suoraan kotisohvalta. Pääset kokeilemaan kaikkia palveluitamme täysin maksutta.
Personal legal assistance at your fingertips
Coming soon
Lasting power of attorney
Living will
Contact us
Lemuntie 3-5 A
00510 Helsinki
Aatos Legal Technology ltd
Company Number 15368786
1 Chapel Street, Warwick, United Kingdom, CV34 4HL