
An areal shot above a beach
Flight Delays? Know Your Rights This Summer!
A woman with shopping bag
Dis­cov­er the Elite's Top Tips and Save on In­her­it­ance Tax
Paper waste in a basket and around on the floor
Is Your Will Out­dated? So­li­citor Shares Legal Tips and Warns of Dis­putes Over Old Wills
Pesonen, Pöllänen, Haverila ja Mäenpää
The “Net­flix of Legal Ser­vices” Gains Ground: The Re­volu­tion­ary Finnish Legal Tech Com­pany is Ready to Chal­lenge the UK Play­ers
A robot creating a last will
Why Can't I Just Create My Last Will and Test­a­ment with Chat­G­PT?
Aatos founders
Aatos se­lec­ted to Business Fin­land’s Young In­nov­at­ive Com­pany Fund­ing pro­gram
Personal legal assistance at your fingertips
Coming soon
Lasting power of attorney
Living will
Contact us
Lemuntie 3-5 A 00510 Helsinki 2901500-3
Aatos Legal Technology ltd Company Number 15368786 1 Chapel Street, Warwick, United Kingdom, CV34 4HL
© Aatos Legal Technology 2024