Au Pair: Rights and Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies

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Catrin, UK Solicitor
04/09/2024 ● 3 minutes
Hiring an au pair offers valu­able sup­port for your family and a cul­tur­al ex­change op­por­tun­ity, but it’s es­sen­tial to have a well-defined Au Pair Agree­ment to ensure a smooth and pos­it­ive ex­per­i­ence.

An Au Pair is typ­ic­ally a young person who lives with a host family abroad and provides child­care in ex­change for room, board, and a small stipend.

The ar­range­ment is de­signed to be a cul­tur­al ex­change, al­low­ing the Au Pair to im­merse them­selves in a new coun­try, learn a new lan­guage, and ex­per­i­ence a dif­fer­ent cul­ture, while help­ing the host family with child­care and some­times light house­work.

The term "Au Pair" comes from the French phrase "au pair", which lit­er­ally means "on par" or "equal to." The term ori­gin­ated in the early 19th cen­tury and re­flects the idea that an Au Pair is meant to be an equal member of the family they live with, rather than a formal em­ployee.

Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies of an Au Pair

Primar­ily fo­cused on child­care, with some ad­di­tion­al light house­hold tasks. Au Pairs are ex­pec­ted to follow the family’s rules, but also to be treated as a family member.

The primary re­spons­ib­il­ity of an Au Pair is child­care, which can in­clude:

  • look­ing after chil­dren,
  • help­ing with home­work,
  • pre­par­ing meals, and
  • taking chil­dren to school or activ­it­ies.

Light house­hold duties may also be in­volved, such as tidy­ing up after the chil­dren.

An Au Pair's Rights

Au Pairs are en­titled to their own private room, meals, weekly time off, and a stipend. They are not formal em­ploy­ees, so they don’t re­ceive a salary or other em­ploy­ment be­ne­fits.

Work­ing hours are usu­ally reg­u­lated, with Au Pairs typ­ic­ally work­ing 25-30 hours per week in most coun­tries, al­though this can vary.

They also have des­ig­nated free time and often take lan­guage or cul­tur­al courses during their stay.

Au Pair Guidelines in Europe

The Au Pair guidelines in Europe are gen­er­ally stand­ard­ised but can vary slightly from coun­try to coun­try. These guidelines aim to pro­mote a healthy bal­ance of cul­tur­al ex­change and ensure the fair treat­ment of Au Pairs and host fam­ilies.

  • Au Pair Age Range: Typ­ic­ally between 18 to 30 years old, al­though some coun­tries set dif­fer­ent limits, such as 18 to 26.
  • Host Family Re­quire­ments: The host family must provide room, board, and pocket money. They must also offer cul­tur­al ex­pos­ure, al­low­ing the Au Pair to learn about the coun­try’s lan­guage and cul­ture.
  • Work­ing Hours 25-30 hours per week, with at least one day off. Some coun­tries reg­u­late that the Au Pair should not work more than 5-6 hours per day.
  • A stipend (pocket money) in ex­change for their work, which can vary between coun­tries. On av­er­age, it ranges between €250 and €400 per month, de­pend­ing on the coun­try.
  • A private room and meals should be provided by the Host Family.
  • The Au Pair must have health and travel in­sur­ance in most European coun­tries.
  • The typ­ical dur­a­tion for an Au Pair stay ranges from 6 months to 1 year, al­though shorter or longer stays may be agreed upon de­pend­ing on the coun­try’s reg­u­la­tions.
  • Most coun­tries re­quire an Au Pair agree­ment to be signed between the host family and the Au Pair, out­lining duties, work­ing hours, days off, stipend, and con­di­tions of ter­min­a­tion.
  • Either party can ter­min­ate the Au Pair agree­ment, typ­ic­ally with two weeks' notice. Con­flict res­ol­u­tion mech­an­is­ms, like me­di­ation by the Au Pair agency or local au­thor­it­ies, are often avail­able.

An Au Pair Agree­ment Out­lining Terms

An Au Pair agree­ment is a formal doc­u­ment out­lining the terms and con­di­tions of the ar­range­ment between the Au Pair and the host family. The agree­ment sets clear ex­pect­a­tions for both parties, en­sur­ing that the cul­tur­al ex­change and work re­la­tion­ship are smooth and fair.

  • Dur­a­tion of Stay
  • Duties and Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies
  • The agree­ment may also spe­cify ex­cluded tasks, en­sur­ing the Au Pair is not as­signed duties out­side their role, such as heavy house­work.
  • Out­lines the Au Pair’s work­ing hours
  • Defines the Au Pair’s free time and days off (often at least one full day per week).
  • Spe­cifies the amount of pocket money the Au Pair will re­ceive
  • In­dic­ates when and how the stipend will be paid (e.g., weekly or monthly).
  • Con­firms that the host family will provide the Au Pair with a private room and meals during their stay
  • Many agree­ments in­clude pro­vi­sions for lan­guage courses, stat­ing whet­h­er the host family will assist with en­rol­ment or con­tribute to the cost.
  • De­tails health and travel in­sur­ance ar­range­ments, spe­cify­ing who is re­spons­ible for ob­tain­ing and paying for the in­sur­ance (usu­ally the Au Pair, though some host fam­ilies may con­tribute).
  • Provides de­tails about hol­id­ay leave, in­clud­ing how many days the Au Pair is en­titled to and whet­h­er these are paid or unpaid.
  • Out­lines the con­di­tions under which the agree­ment can be ter­min­ated by either party, typ­ic­ally with a two weeks' notice. It also ad­dresses any pro­ced­ures in case of early ter­min­a­tion.
  • Spe­cifies how dis­putes will be handled, such as through me­di­ation by an Au Pair agency or by fol­low­ing local laws.
  • This may in­clude terms re­garding the use of house­hold fa­cil­it­ies, ex­pect­a­tions for be­ha­viour (e.g., curfews), or travel ar­range­ments for family va­ca­tions where the Au Pair is ex­pec­ted to assist.

Au Pair Agree­ment – Free Tem­plate

Below is a basic Au Pair agree­ment tem­plate that can be cus­tom­ised to suit the spe­cif­ic ar­range­ments between the Au Pair and the host family.

Au Pair Agree­ment

This agree­ment is made on [Date] between:

Host Family:

  • Name: [Host Family Name]
  • Ad­dress: [Host Family Ad­dress]
  • Con­tact In­form­a­tion: [Phone Number, Email]

Au Pair:

  • Name: [Au Pair’s Name]
  • Ad­dress: [Au Pair’s Ad­dress]
  • Na­tion­al­ity: [Au Pair’s Na­tion­al­ity]
  • Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]
  • Con­tact In­form­a­tion: [Phone Number, Email]

1. Dur­a­tion of Stay

  • The Au Pair will stay with the Host Family from [Start Date] to [End Date].
  • Ex­ten­sion or early ter­min­a­tion of this period must be agreed upon in writ­ing with [two weeks’ notice].

2. Duties and Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies

The Au Pair will assist the Host Family with the fol­low­ing duties:

  • Child­care tasks: [List spe­cif­ic duties, e.g., pre­par­ing meals for the chil­dren, help­ing with home­work, taking them to school, etc.].
  • Light house­hold tasks: [E.g., tidy­ing the chil­dren's rooms, laun­dry re­lated to chil­dren, etc.].
  • The Au Pair will work a max­imum of [XX] hours per week, not ex­ceed­ing [XX] hours per day.

3. Work­ing Hours and Free Time

  • The Au Pair will work from [Start Time] to [End Time] [Spe­cify Days].
  • The Au Pair is en­titled to [XX] days off per week, in­clud­ing one full day off, and [XX] paid hol­i­days over the course of the stay.

4. Pocket Money/Stipend

  • The Host Family agrees to pay the Au Pair [Amount] per week/month as pocket money. Pay­ment will be made [spe­cify fre­quency, e.g., weekly, monthly].

5. Room and Board

  • The Host Family will provide the Au Pair with a private room and meals during the entire stay.
  • The Au Pair is con­sidered part of the family and will share meals with the family unless oth­er­wise agreed.

6. Lan­guage Courses

  • The Au Pair will attend lan­guage courses [op­tion­al].
  • The Host Family will con­tribute [Amount, if any] to­wards lan­guage courses.

7. Health and Travel In­sur­ance

  • The Au Pair is re­spons­ible for ob­tain­ing ap­pro­pri­ate health and travel in­sur­ance before ar­riv­ing, or the Host Family will assist in ar­ran­ging this [if ap­plic­able].

8. Travel Costs

  • The Au Pair will be re­spons­ible for cov­er­ing travel costs to and from [Coun­try].
  • [Op­tion­al: Spe­cify if the Host Family will con­tribute to travel ex­penses].

9. Hol­id­ay En­ti­tle­ment

  • The Au Pair will be en­titled to [Number of Paid Hol­i­days] during the stay.

10. Ter­min­a­tion and Notice

  • Either party may ter­min­ate this agree­ment by giving [two weeks' notice] in writ­ing.
  • The agree­ment may be ter­min­ated im­me­di­ately if ser­i­ous mis­con­duct occurs.

11. Mis­cel­laneous

  • The Au Pair will follow the house rules, which in­clude [curfew, in­ternet use, etc.].
  • The Au Pair is ex­pec­ted to inform the Host Family of any changes to sched­ules or con­cerns as soon as pos­sible.


Host Family:

Date: [Date]

Au Pair:

Date: [Date]

💡 Stay tuned: Aatos will soon launch a ser­vice that en­ables you to create any legal doc­u­ment in just a few minutes. All agree­ments and let­ters are cus­tom­ised to meet your spe­cif­ic needs.

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