Create an Easy Tu­tor­ing Agree­ment

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Catrin, UK Solicitor
04/09/2024 ● 2 minutes
Es­tab­lish­ing a suc­cess­ful tu­tor­ing re­la­tion­ship re­quires clar­ity and pro­fes­sion­al­ism, and a Tu­tor­ing Agree­ment is cru­cial for achiev­ing this.

A tu­tor­ing agree­ment is a formal doc­u­ment that out­lines the terms and con­di­tions between a tutor and a client (the stu­dent or parent). It serves to cla­ri­fy the ex­pect­a­tions, re­spons­ib­il­it­ies, and lo­gist­ics of the tu­tor­ing ar­range­ment.

Whet­h­er you’re a tutor or a parent seek­ing edu­ca­tion­al sup­port, a Tu­tor­ing Agree­ment en­sures that all as­pects of the tu­tor­ing pro­cess are well-defined and doc­u­mented.

Private Tu­tor­ing is In­creas­ing in the UK

Private tu­tor­ing has become in­creas­ingly common in the UK, es­pe­cially in recent years. Stud­ies sug­gest that around 27% of young people in the UK have used a private tutor at some point during their edu­ca­tion, with the num­bers rising in areas like London. The figure is even higher for stu­dents pre­par­ing for key exams such as such as GCSEs and A-Levels.

The use of online tu­tor­ing has also surged, par­tic­u­larly in the wake of the COVID-19 pan­demic. This shift has made tu­tor­ing more ac­cess­ible, al­low­ing stu­dents to con­nect with tutors from all over the coun­try, re­gardless of loc­a­tion.

The UK tu­tor­ing market is valued between £1-2 bil­lion, with an av­er­age ses­sion costing around £38, though this can vary de­pend­ing on the sub­ject and level​.

Tu­tor­ing Agree­ment Out­lines Ex­pect­a­tions

A tu­tor­ing agree­ment sets clear ex­pect­a­tions for both the tutor and the stu­dent, in­clud­ing the scope of tu­tor­ing ser­vices, ses­sion fre­quency, and sub­ject matter. This pre­vents mis­un­der­stand­ings and en­sures both parties are aligned on what the tu­tor­ing will cover and how the ses­sions will be con­duc­ted.

  • Pay­ment: It defines pay­ment de­tails such as the cost per ses­sion, pay­ment schedule, and ac­cepted meth­ods of pay­ment. This pro­tects both parties by en­sur­ing trans­par­ency re­garding the fin­an­cial as­pects and pre­vents dis­putes over fees or missed pay­ments.
  • Can­cel­la­tion and Res­cheduling Policies: The agree­ment typ­ic­ally in­cludes a policy on can­cel­la­tions and res­cheduling, spe­cify­ing how much notice needs to be given and whet­h­er any fees apply for last-minute can­cel­la­tions. This helps tutors manage their time ef­fect­ively and en­sures stu­dents commit to the sched­uled ses­sions.
  • Con­fid­en­ti­al­ity: A tu­tor­ing agree­ment often in­cludes a con­fid­en­ti­al­ity clause to pro­tect the stu­dent’s per­son­al and aca­demic in­form­a­tion. This is es­pe­cially im­port­ant when work­ing with young­er stu­dents or when sens­it­ive aca­demic re­cords are in­volved.
  • Li­ab­il­ity and Ter­min­a­tion: The agree­ment can cover li­ab­il­ity limits and out­line the terms under which the tu­tor­ing re­la­tion­ship can be ter­min­ated by either party. This is cru­cial in the event of non-pay­ment, in­ap­pro­pri­ate be­ha­viour, or dis­sat­is­fac­tion with the ser­vices provided.
  • Legal Pro­tec­tion: For both tutors and cli­ents, the agree­ment offers legal pro­tec­tion by serving as a writ­ten record of the terms and con­di­tions agreed upon. Should any dis­putes arise, this doc­u­ment provides a ref­er­ence point for resolv­ing issues in a clear and pro­fes­sion­al manner.

Things NOT to In­clude to a Tu­tor­ing Agree­ment

In a tu­tor­ing agree­ment, cer­tain clauses or ex­pect­a­tions should be avoided to main­tain fairness and real­ism.

  • Un­real­ist­ic Guar­an­tees of Suc­cess: Avoid clauses that guar­an­tee spe­cif­ic out­comes, such as prom­ising that a stu­dent will achieve top grades or pass a par­tic­u­lar exam. A tutor can provide guid­ance and sup­port, but the stu­dent’s suc­cess ul­ti­mately de­pends on their effort, learn­ing abil­ity, and other factors beyond the tutor's con­trol.
  • Un­lim­ited Avail­ab­il­ity: Do not in­clude prom­ises of 24/7 avail­ab­il­ity for tu­tor­ing or sup­port out­side agreed-upon hours. Tutors need to set clear bound­ar­ies for their avail­ab­il­ity, and un­lim­ited access is not prac­tical or sus­tain­able.
  • Ex­cess­ive Ses­sions Without Com­pens­a­tion: An agree­ment should not re­quire the tutor to offer extra ses­sions, sup­port, or tu­tor­ing without ad­di­tion­al com­pens­a­tion. This in­cludes re­quests for home­work help out­side sched­uled ses­sions or free extra hours of tu­tor­ing.
  • Non-Com­pete Clauses: It is not common or ap­pro­pri­ate to in­clude non-com­pete clauses in a tu­tor­ing agree­ment, such as re­strict­ing the tutor from of­fer­ing ser­vices to other stu­dents in the same area or school. Tutors typ­ic­ally work with mul­tiple cli­ents, and such clauses may be un­reas­on­able and un­en­force­able.
  • Pen­al­ties for Stu­dent Per­form­ance: The tutor should not be pen­al­ised fin­an­cially or oth­er­wise if the stu­dent does not achieve a spe­cif­ic grade or per­form­ance level. Suc­cess is in­flu­enced by many factors, in­clud­ing the stu­dent’s ded­ic­a­tion and ex­tern­al cir­cum­stances, making such pen­al­ties unfair.
  • In­flex­ible Can­cel­la­tion Terms: The agree­ment should not in­clude overly rigid can­cel­la­tion policies, such as char­ging full fees for can­cel­la­tions without ad­equate notice. Reas­on­able and fair notice peri­ods (e.g., 24 or 48 hours) should be set to bal­ance both parties' needs.

Cre­at­ing a Tu­tor­ing Agree­ment

This basic tem­plate in­cludes all the es­sen­tial ele­ments of a tu­tor­ing agree­ment. It can be tail­ored fur­ther to suit spe­cif­ic pref­er­ences or legal re­quire­ments based on the tutor-client ar­range­ment.

Tu­tor­ing Agree­ment

This Tu­tor­ing Agree­ment ("Agree­ment") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between:

  • Tutor: [Tutor's Name], loc­ated at [Tutor's Ad­dress]
  • Client: [Client's Name], loc­ated at [Client's Ad­dress]

1. Scope of Ser­vices

The Tutor agrees to provide tu­tor­ing ser­vices to the Stu­dent, [Stu­dent's Name], in the sub­ject(s) of [Sub­ject(s)].

  • Start Date: [Date]
  • Ses­sion Fre­quency: [e.g., Weekly, Bi­weekly]
  • Ses­sion Length: [Dur­a­tion of each ses­sion, e.g., 1 hour]
  • Loc­a­tion: [In-person loc­a­tion or online plat­form]

2. Pay­ment Terms

The Client agrees to pay the Tutor [Rate] per ses­sion. Pay­ments are to be made via [Pay­ment Method] and will be due [Pay­ment Schedule, e.g., after each ses­sion, monthly].

  • Late Fees: [Spe­cify if any, e.g., "A £10 late fee will apply if pay­ment is more than 7 days late."]
  • Ad­di­tion­al Fees: [List any extra fees, e.g., for ma­ter­i­als.]

3. Can­cel­la­tion and Res­cheduling

If the Client or Stu­dent needs to cancel or res­chedule a ses­sion, at least [Spe­cify notice period, e.g., 24 or 48 hours] notice is re­quired. If ad­equate notice is not provided, the full ses­sion fee will still be charged.

  • Tutor Can­cel­la­tions: If the Tutor must cancel, they will give [Notice Period] and ar­range a res­ched­uled ses­sion or provide a refund for that ses­sion.

4. Tutor Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies

The Tutor agrees to:

  • Provide les­sons tail­ored to the Stu­dent’s in­di­vidual needs.
  • Arrive on time for all ses­sions.
  • Main­tain con­fid­en­ti­al­ity re­garding the Stu­dent’s aca­demic per­form­ance and any per­son­al in­form­a­tion.

5. Stu­dent Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies

The Stu­dent agrees to:

  • Be on time and pre­pared for each ses­sion with the re­quired ma­ter­i­als.
  • Com­plete any as­sign­ments or home­work given by the Tutor.
  • Notify the Tutor of any changes in schedule or issues with un­der­stand­ing the ma­ter­i­al.

6. Con­fid­en­ti­al­ity

Both parties agree to keep the de­tails of this Agree­ment and the Stu­dent's per­son­al and aca­demic in­form­a­tion con­fid­en­tial, unless writ­ten con­sent is given for dis­clos­ure.

7. Ter­min­a­tion

Either party may ter­min­ate this Agree­ment by provid­ing [Notice Period, e.g., one week] writ­ten notice. The Client will be re­spons­ible for any out­stand­ing fees up to the ter­min­a­tion date.

8. Lim­it­a­tion of Li­ab­il­ity

The Tutor will not be held liable for any in­dir­ect, spe­cial, or con­sequen­tial dam­ages arising out of this Agree­ment. The Tutor's total li­ab­il­ity shall not exceed the fees paid for tu­tor­ing ser­vices under this Agree­ment.

9. Entire Agree­ment

This Agree­ment con­sti­tutes the entire un­der­stand­ing between the parties re­garding tu­tor­ing ser­vices and su­per­sedes all prior agree­ments.


Tutor’s Sig­na­ture
Date: [Date]

Client’s Sig­na­ture
Date: [Date]

💡 Stay tuned: Aatos will soon launch a ser­vice that en­ables you to create any legal doc­u­ment in just a few minutes. All agree­ments and let­ters are cus­tom­ised to meet your spe­cif­ic needs.

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