Create a Legally Sound Gift Agreement in minutes

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Create a Gift Agreement

Gift Agree­ment - Free Generator & Template

A Gift Agreement provides a formal record of your intentions, ensuring clarity and protection for both the giver and recipient.

A Gift Agreement is a legal document commonly used for charitable donations or significant personal gifts, ensuring clarity between parties and avoiding potential disputes or tax implications in the future.

Gift Agreement outlines the details of the gift, including any conditions or restrictions on its use, and confirms that the transfer is made voluntarily, without any obligation for repayment or services in return.

Gifting assets can be a generous and impactful gesture, but without clear documentation, it can lead to misunderstandings or legal disputes.

Here’s why you should create a Gift Agreement and how Aatos will soon offer a legal template to make this process easy.

Gift Agreement Prevents Disputes

In the absence of a written agreement, family members or other parties might contest the gift or its terms. A Gift Agreement provides legal documentation that can help resolve any conflicts and ensure that the gift is executed according to your wishes.

Documenting a gift can be essential for protecting both the giver and the recipient. It helps in managing the legal aspects, such as tax implications and ownership rights, ensuring that the transfer is handled smoothly.

Certain gifts, particularly those involving significant assets or property, may have legal and tax implications. A Gift Agreement can help ensure compliance with legal requirements and provide a clear record of the transaction.

Whose Responsibility Is It to Create a Gift Agreement?

It is typically the donor's responsibility to initiate the creation of a Gift Agreement, especially when making significant gifts, such as large sums of money, property, or assets.

However, both the donor and the recipient should work together to draft and agree on the terms to ensure mutual understanding.

In many cases, the donor may seek the help of a solicitor or legal advisor to draft the agreement, particularly for more complex gifts or donations to charities. The recipient may also want to review the agreement with legal counsel to ensure their rights and obligations are clearly defined and protected.

The goal of the Gift Agreement is to formalise the terms, ensure the gift is legally valid, and prevent future disputes, so both parties have a vested interest in ensuring the document is properly prepared and agreed upon.

Details to Include in the Gift Agreement

A Gift Agreement should include several key elements to ensure clarity, legal validity, and to prevent misunderstandings between the donor and the recipient.

  • Details of the Parties Involved
  • A detailed description of the gift being given (e.g., cash amount, real estate, shares, personal property, asset registration numbers, property location)
  • If the gift is intended for a specific purpose (e.g., a charitable donation for a particular project), this should be clearly stated.
  • If the gift is unrestricted, the agreement should specify that the recipient can use it at their discretion.
  • The agreed value of the gift, especially if it is an asset or property. This ensures both parties are clear on the value for tax and legal purposes.
  • If the donor attaches any conditions to the gift (e.g., how it should be used, restrictions on selling, or the return of the gift under specific circumstances), these must be clearly outlined.
  • Charitable gifts may also include clauses specifying what happens if the charity cannot use the gift as intended.
  • Specify the date or timeline for when ownership of the gift will be transferred to the recipient.
  • Information on tax liabilities

Template for Gift Agreement

Here is a basic Gift Agreement template that can be adapted for use in the UK.

This template is intended to outline the essential terms of a gift and ensure both the donor and recipient are clear on their obligations.


This Gift Agreement is made on [Date] by and between:

[Donor’s Full Name]
[Donor’s Address]


[Recipient’s Full Name]
[Recipient’s Address]
[Organisation Name, if applicable]

1. Description of the Gift

The Donor agrees to make an irrevocable gift of the following to the Recipient:

Description of Gift:
[Provide a detailed description of the gift, such as cash, real estate, shares, or personal property]

Value of Gift:
[State the estimated value of the gift]

2. Purpose of the Gift

[Choose one of the following options based on your specific case]:

  • The gift is given for the following specific purpose:
    [State the specific purpose, if applicable, such as a charitable donation or a particular project].


  • The gift is given without restrictions, and the Recipient may use the gift at their discretion.

3. Transfer of Ownership

The Donor agrees to transfer ownership of the gift to the Recipient on [Date] or within [number of days/weeks] of the signing of this Agreement.

Upon transfer, the Donor relinquishes all rights, title, and interest in the gift, and the Recipient will take full ownership.

4. Conditions or Restrictions

[Include any conditions or restrictions the Donor places on the gift, such as its use, sale, or handling, or state if there are none]:

  • The gift is subject to the following conditions:
    [Outline any conditions or restrictions, if applicable]


  • There are no conditions or restrictions placed on this gift.

5. Tax Liabilities

The Donor and Recipient agree that the following will apply to any taxes or fees arising from this gift:

  • [Specify any agreement on tax liabilities, such as who will be responsible for paying them, or state "The Donor/Recipient will bear any applicable taxes arising from this gift."]

6. Return of Gift

In the event that the gift cannot be used for its intended purpose, the Donor and Recipient agree that the gift:

  • [May be returned to the Donor]
  • OR [Will be repurposed or used for an alternative purpose as agreed between the parties]
  • OR [State any other specific instructions]

7. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

8. Signatures

By signing below, both parties acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of this Gift Agreement.

[Donor’s Full Name]
Signature: ________________________
Date: _____________________________

[Recipient’s Full Name]
Signature: ________________________
Date: _____________________________

Witness 1:
[Witness’s Full Name]
Signature: ________________________
Address: _________________________
Date: ____________________________

Witness 2:
[Witness’s Full Name]
Signature: ________________________
Address: _________________________
Date: ____________________________

💡It’s advisable to have independent witnesses sign the agreement to ensure its legal standing.

You don't have to know all this...

Create & customize your own Gift Agreement in minutes with Bind
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