Aatos se­lec­ted to Busi­ness Fin­land’s Young In­nov­at­ive Com­pany Fund­ing pro­gram

Press release


Aatos founders
In the picture: Tatu Mäenpää, Sakari Pesonen, Severi Haverila and Aku Pöllänen.

Young In­nov­at­ive Com­pany fund­ing is given to prom­ising young com­pan­ies for in­ter­na­tion­al growth.

Aatos has re­ceived the prestige fund­ing from Busi­ness Fin­land that less than 500 com­pan­ies have been qual­i­fied for in the past 14 years. Young In­nov­at­ive Com­pany fund­ing is aimed for young star­tups, which have been in op­er­a­tion for less than five years, can demon­strate scalab­il­ity and already provide evid­ence of in­ter­na­tion­al growth.

The fund­ing is di­vided into three ap­prox­im­ately 9 months long peri­ods. The fund­ing con­sists of a grant of 250,000 € in the first period and an­oth­er 250,000 € in the second period. The last phase in­cludes a loan worth 750,000 €.

– We’re very ex­cited about se­cur­ing the fund­ing. This is a great re­cog­ni­tion from Busi­ness Fin­land that they see our po­ten­tial to grow abroad, the CEO and co-founder Aku Pöllän­en says.

Busi­ness Fin­land will eval­u­ate the goals after each three phases. Aatos has defined the goals to­geth­er with Busi­ness Fin­land and drawn them from the busi­ness plan.

– Our plan is to use the fund­ing to sup­port our in­ter­na­tion­al growth and for open­ing new mar­kets, Pöllän­en says.

In ad­di­tion to Busi­ness Fin­land fund­ing, Aatos is also plan­ning to raise the next ex­tern­al fund­ing round.

Read more about the Young In­nov­at­ive Com­pan­ies Fund­ing.

Aatos is a Finnish star­tup re­shap­ing the legal in­dustry with fully auto­mated legal ser­vices for con­sumers, such as the last will, prenup and estate in­vent­ory. The com­pany was es­tab­lished in 2020 and op­er­ates in three coun­tries: Fin­land, Sweden and Den­mark.


Aku Pöl­lä­nen
Co-foun­der & CEO

Mariia Kuk­ka­kor­pi
Com­mu­nica­tions ma­na­ger

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