
A woman holding flowers on the palm of hands
Mirror WillsThis guide dives into the es­sen­tials of Mirror Wills.
Searching for a will
Find a Will EasilyPrac­tical tips for find­ing a Will in the UK.
Writing a will in the UK
Writ­ing a Will in the UK? - Don't Miss These StepsWrit­ing a Will en­sures that your final wishes are car­ried out.
People crossing a road
Simple Will: How to Create in 10 MinutesHow to write a simple will?
A familu playing football on a field
When a Parent Leaves Everything to One ChildWhat are the ef­fects when parent leaves everything to one child in the UK?
A Woman taking notes
Ex­ecut­or of Will: Role and DutiesWhat is the role and duties of ex­ecut­or of a Will?
An experienced family lawyer posing to camera at his office.
Con­test­ing a Will - The Basics in One MinuteWhat does it mean to con­test a Will? Let's break it down in simple terms.
Judge's hammer
Suc­cess Rate of Con­test­ing a Will in the UK?Suc­cess­fully con­test­ing a Will in the UK is not an easy pro­cess.
A family hugging on top of a hill
In­test­acy Rules Ex­plainedWhat hap­pens to your assets if you die without a Will?
A Notebook on a coffee table and fireplace lit on the background
What is a Leg­atee?The role of a Leg­atee and dif­fer­ent types of legacies ex­plained.
A couple standing by a pond hand-in-hand
What is a Joint Will?Pros and cons of Joint Will ex­plored.
A Woman typing a laptop
Online Will Made EasyOnline Will can be an Al­tern­at­ive for Using a Lawyer.
A person tying shoe laces
How to Get a Copy of a Will Online in the UK?Tips on get­ting a copy of a Will.
Orange safe deposit box
Will Stor­age Op­tionsHow to store a Last Will?
A Woman drinking tea and sitting in front of a laptop
Are Online Will Writ­ing Ser­vices Legit?Everything you need to know about using an Online Will writ­ing ser­vice.
People holding hands
What is a Living Will?Ex­plore Living Wills: im­port­ance, con­tents, and con­sequences.
Black and white photo of person walking on a street in a big city
What Hap­pens If You Die without a Will?Find out what are the legal rules.
A couple watching the sunset
The Es­sen­tial Guide to Making a Will: Why It's Im­port­ant for Every­one8 reas­ons to make a Will.
A family in a field
Does a New Will Cancel an Old Will in the UK?Create a New Will cor­rectly.
A person writing with a pen to a notebook
Holo­graph­ic WillEx­plor­ing the legal stand­ing and cre­ation of Holo­graph­ic Wills in the UK.
Modern Review WFO vs WFH Youtube Thumbnail.png
How Geo­graphy Shapes Wealth Trans­fer?How geo­graphy is shap­ing wealth and in­her­it­ance across the UK.
People placing a candle on water from a dock
How to Find Out if Someone Has Died?We’ll cover the dif­fer­ent meth­ods and the legal con­sid­er­a­tions in­volved.
A woman sitting on the peak of a mountain
Who Can Wit­ness a Will?Legal cri­ter­ia for wit­ness­ing a Last Will.
person doing a last will and testament
Free Will Tem­plate – Ex­ample and GuideBasic ex­ample of what a Will looks like.
What is a Dis­cre­tion­ary Will Trust?Dis­cre­tion­ary Will Trust can be a useful tool for estate plan­ning.
Modern Review WFO vs WFH Youtube Thumbnail.png
In­her­it­ance: The Pro­cess Ex­plainedNav­ig­ate the UK's com­plex in­her­it­ance pro­cess step by step.
Siblings hanging around in a courtyard
Joint Ex­ecut­ors of a WillUn­pack­ing everything about joint ex­ecut­ors.
Two people hugging
Can an Ex­ecut­or of a Will be a Be­ne­fi­ciary?The Ex­ecut­or is re­spons­ible for car­ry­ing out your wishes.
Frustrated woman in front of a laptop
What You Should Never Put in Your Will in the UK?Be aware of prob­lem­at­ic pro­vi­sions.
A person walking forward and leaving a shadow behind.
How to Dis­in­her­it Someone?Who can be dis­in­her­ited and how it is done?
Four 20 pound notes
How Much Does It Cost to Make a Will?The cost of a Will depend on where you decide to write it.
A Woman in leather jacket laughing on a London street.
Es­sen­tial Guide to Being a Test­atorBe­com­ing a test­ator is a power­ful step in taking con­trol of your future.
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Lasting power of attorney
Living will
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