The “Net­flix of Legal Ser­vi­ces” Gains Ground: The Re­vo­lu­tio­nary Fin­nish Legal Tech Com­pany is Ready to Chal­lenge the UK Play­ers

Press Release


Pesonen, Pöllänen, Haverila ja Mäenpää
Aatos offers a subscription model for legal affairs, establishing long-term, comprehensive relationships with clients to fully map out their legal situation beyond just a single document.

Aatos, a pio­ne­e­ring Fin­nish online legal ser­vi­ce ope­rat­ing al­re­ady suc­ces­sful­ly in the Nor­di­cs, is set to trans­form the legal in­du­stry in Eng­land and Wales. Of­fe­ring fully di­gi­tal legal ser­vi­ces, un­li­mi­ted legal sup­port and in­cor­porat­ing AI, Aatos is ready to con­ti­nue re­vo­lu­tio­ni­sing the legal in­du­stry.

Establis­hed in 2020, the Nordic legal tech startup Aatos has ra­pid­ly ex­pan­ded and now ope­ra­tes suc­ces­sful­ly in Fin­land, Sweden, and Den­mark. The com­pany has emer­ged as a le­a­ding force in the consu­mer legal tech in­du­stry and is hoping to take a lead in the UK.

We are thril­led to take the next step as a com­pany and keep on of­fe­ring more people access to con­ve­ni­ent and af­for­dab­le legal ser­vi­ces,” says Aku Pöl­lä­nen, CEO and co-fo­un­der of Aatos.

Aatos is known for its user-fri­end­ly design and in­ter­fa­ce that now cu­st­o­mers in Eng­land and Wales can be­ne­fit from. The main goal is to provide per­so­na­li­sed and cost-ef­fective al­ter­na­ti­ves to tra­di­tio­nal legal ser­vi­ces.

Our ser­vi­ce is famous for its us­a­bi­lity that even a granny could use it. In fact, some of our users are even over 80 years old. At the heart of our bu­si­ness is the com­mit­ment to create an in­tu­i­tive ser­vi­ce, and we make no com­pro­mi­ses about it,” tells Pöl­lä­nen.

Aatos offers a subscrip­tion model for legal af­fairs, establis­hing long-term, com­pre­hen­sive re­la­tions­hips with cli­ents to fully map out their legal si­tu­a­tion beyond just a single do­cu­ment. Uti­li­sing ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gen­ce, the ser­vi­ce not only crafts recom­men­da­tions but also guides users through per­ple­xing legal mat­ters.

Cu­st­o­mers often don't recog­nise their own legal needs. Aatos tells the cu­st­o­mer what kind of do­cu­ments are needed, makes sure that the do­cu­ments are always up to date and reacts to chan­ges in life si­tu­a­tions with re­le­vant actions and recom­men­da­tions,” Pöl­lä­nen says.

Annual subscrip­tion allows cu­st­o­mers to create all the ne­ces­sary legal do­cu­ments wit­hout the worry about costs. In ad­di­tion, the cu­st­o­mers get access to on-going legal sup­port with no extra cost.

The ini­ti­al rea­ctions in­di­cate that the annual subscrip­tion clear­ly meets a need. The ma­jo­rity of our cli­ents opt for a con­ti­nuous subscrip­tion in­stead of a single do­cu­ment. The annual subscrip­tion has also been chosen by cli­ents who al­re­ady po­s­sess all the ne­ces­sary do­cu­ments,” Pöl­lä­nen says.


Aku Pöl­lä­nen
Fo­un­der & CEO

Mariia Kuk­kakor­pi
Com­mu­ni­ca­tions ma­na­ger

Fo­un­ded in 2020, Aatos is a Fin­nish di­gi­tal legal ser­vi­ce provi­ding com­pre­hen­sive, af­for­dab­le legal so­lu­tions across Fin­land, Sweden, Den­mark, and the United King­dom. Aatos spe­ci­a­li­ses in per­so­nal legal do­cu­ments and advice, making legal ser­vi­ces ac­ces­sib­le and un­der­stan­dab­le for eve­ry­one. Aatos’s ser­vi­ces in­clude e.g. draf­ting last wills, pre­nups and la­sting power of at­tor­neys.

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