What Is an Apos­tille Cer­ti­fic­ate?

A person signing contracts
Catrin, UK Solicitor
17/04/2024 ● 4 minutes
Get­ting your doc­u­ment apos­tilled is a re­l­at­ively straight­for­ward way to ensure that it’ll be leg­ally re­cog­nised in 126 coun­tries world­wide. But how do you get a doc­u­ment apos­tilled, and what do you need to do to get it sorted?

In this art­icle, we'll ex­plain what the mean­ing of apos­tille is, why it's im­port­ant for doc­u­ments that you need to use in­ter­na­tion­ally, and how you can get an apos­tille cer­ti­fic­ate to your doc­u­ments.

We'll also look at what types of doc­u­ments usu­ally need an apos­tille, like birth cer­ti­fic­ates and dip­lo­mas.

What is an Apos­tille?

An apos­tille is a cer­ti­fic­a­tion at­tached to doc­u­ments so they are re­cog­nised as au­then­t­ic in coun­tries that are part of the Hague Apos­tille Con­ven­tion of 1961.

That all sounds rather com­plic­ated, but it’s ac­tu­ally fairly straight­for­ward. This in­ter­na­tion­al agree­ment was cre­ated to sim­pli­fy the pro­cess of leg­al­ising doc­u­ments abroad, re­pla­cing a more com­plic­ated, multi-step system. Now, doc­u­ments cer­ti­fied in one member coun­try are ac­cepted in all the others without need­ing fur­ther au­then­tic­a­tion.

There are 126 na­tions covered by this con­ven­tion, in­clud­ing the UK, US, Aus­tralia, Canada, Japan, Spain, France, India and ob­vi­ously many more!

The Im­port­ance of Apos­tille

Apos­tilles are in­cred­ibly help­ful for anyone need­ing to use their doc­u­ments like dip­lo­mas, mar­riage cer­ti­fic­ates, or legal papers out­side their own coun­try.

They make sure these doc­u­ments are of­fi­cially ac­cepted world­wide. Here are some of the most common scen­ari­os that re­quire people to get their doc­u­ments apos­tilled.

  • Study­ing Abroad: Stu­dents often need apos­tilles on their aca­demic re­cords to enrol in uni­versit­ies abroad.
  • Work­ing Over­seas: If you're moving abroad for work, you might need an apos­tilled crim­in­al back­ground check or pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­fic­a­tions.
  • In­ter­na­tion­al Business: Com­pan­ies use apos­tilles for their cor­por­ate doc­u­ments when they're set­ting up op­er­a­tions or trad­ing in­ter­na­tion­ally.

Having your doc­u­ments apos­tilled smooths out the pro­cess of moving, work­ing, or doing business across dif­fer­ent coun­tries, en­sur­ing your pa­per­work is re­cog­nised without any hassle.

Doc­u­ments Com­monly Re­quir­ing Apos­tilles

So, now that we know the cir­cum­stances that usu­ally re­quire apos­tille doc­u­ments, what types of doc­u­ments are most com­monly apos­tilled?

  • Birth Cer­ti­fic­ates: Es­sen­tial for prov­ing who you are in other coun­tries.
  • Mar­riage Cer­ti­fic­ates: Needed for things like spouse visas or chan­ging your name abroad.
  • Aca­demic Dip­lo­mas: Im­port­ant for job ap­plic­a­tions or fur­ther stud­ies over­seas.
  • Legal Papers: Needed for legal deal­ings across bor­ders, like powers of at­torney or com­pany doc­u­ments.

These doc­u­ments need the apos­tille stamp be­cause for­eign of­fi­cials re­quire a trust­worthy way to know that they are legit. An apos­tille makes sure your im­port­ant papers are ac­cepted every­where.

The Apos­tille Pro­cess in the UK Ex­plained

Get­ting an apos­tille in Eng­land and the rest of the UK is quite a simple pro­cess, but it does re­quire some pre­par­a­tion:

  1. Identi­fy the Doc­u­ment: Make sure that the doc­u­ment you need to be apos­tilled is a doc­u­ment that qual­i­fies for this ser­vice. Apos­tilles are typ­ic­ally issued for of­fi­cial doc­u­ments issued by a gov­ern­ment au­thor­ity, like birth cer­ti­fic­ates, mar­riage cer­ti­fic­ates, court doc­u­ments, and aca­demic tran­scripts.  
  2. Con­tact the Leg­al­isa­tion Office: You can either apply online or by post through the UK Gov­ern­ment’s Leg­al­isa­tion Office.
  3. Submit Your Doc­u­ments: You’ll need to provide the ori­gin­al doc­u­ment along with any spe­cif­ic forms re­quired. If you’re sub­mit­ting these on paper, be sure to send them via cour­ier or re­corded de­liv­ery so that you can ensure your doc­u­ments are safe.
  4. Pay the Fee: There's a charge for each doc­u­ment you need to apos­tille, which you can pay online during the ap­plic­a­tion pro­cess. This is cur­rently £45 per apos­tille, but there are vari­ous other op­tions avail­able, in­clud­ing an ex­press apos­tille ser­vice for busi­nesses.
  5. Pro­cessing Time: It usu­ally takes 2-10 work­ing days to get your doc­u­ment back, but this can vary.

Who Issues Apos­tilles?

Dif­fer­ent gov­ern­ment bodies deal with apos­tilling doc­u­ments, de­pend­ing on which coun­try you’re in.

Here are the rel­ev­ant bodies re­spons­ible for apos­tilling doc­u­ments in some of the most common coun­tries we get asked about:

  • In the UK: The For­eign, Com­mon­wealth & De­vel­op­ment Office (FCDO) handles Brit­ish apos­tilles.
  • In the USA: It varies by state, usu­ally the Sec­retary of State’s office, or for fed­er­al doc­u­ments, the U.S. De­part­ment of State in Wash­ing­ton D.C.
  • In Aus­tralia: The De­part­ment of For­eign Af­fairs and Trade (DFAT) is in charge.
  • In France: The re­gion­al Court of Appeal (Cour d'Appel) takes care of it.
  • In Spain: The Min­is­try of Justice, through its re­gion­al of­fices, issues apos­tilles.

Using Apos­tilled Doc­u­ments Abroad

Once your doc­u­ments are apos­tilled, they're ready to be used in any for­eign coun­try that’s part of the Hague Apos­tille Con­ven­tion.

When present­ing your apos­tilled doc­u­ments over­seas, here are a few im­port­ant things to keep in mind:

  • Check the Seal: Make sure the apos­tille seal and sig­na­ture are clear to avoid any doubts.
  • Need a Trans­la­tion?: If your apos­tilled doc­u­ment isn’t in the local lan­guage, you may need a cer­ti­fied trans­la­tion as well, so it’s worth check­ing be­fore­hand.
  • Know the Local Rules: Some coun­tries might have extra steps before you can pro­ceed.

Fol­low­ing these tips will help ensure that your apos­tilled doc­u­ments are ac­cepted without any issues.

Un­der­stand­ing how apos­tilles work is key to making sure your doc­u­ments are ac­cepted in other coun­tries.

Whet­h­er you need them for school, work, or per­son­al mat­ters, know­ing who to go to and what to do in your coun­try helps ensure your doc­u­ments are prop­erly re­cog­nised world­wide, making in­ter­na­tion­al deal­ings smooth­er.

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