Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney Online: Ex­plor­ing Your Op­tions

Using a laptop in bed and drinking cappuccino
Catrin, UK Solicitor
19/02/2024 ● 3 minutes
Set­ting up a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney online sim­pli­fies the pro­cess, of­fer­ing a secure and straight­for­ward way to pre­pare for the future. Now, you can easily ar­range everything from home, giving you peace of mind with min­im­al fuss.

With the rise of di­git­al legal ser­vices, cre­at­ing an LPA online not only sim­pli­fies the pro­ced­ure but also makes it more ac­cess­ible, al­low­ing people to ensure their future is se­cured with just a few clicks.

A Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney (LPA) is a legal doc­u­ment, where you can name one or more people you trust to step in and make de­cisions for you if there comes a time when you're not able to do it your­self.

There are two kinds of LPA:

  1. one for health and wel­fare
  2. an­oth­er for your prop­erty and fin­an­cial mat­ters

So, can you do a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney online? The answer is yes!

This guide will walk you through set­ting up a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney (LPA) online, ex­plain­ing what an LPA is and how to choose the right online pro­vider. We'll focus on es­sen­tial as­pects like se­cur­ity, cred­ib­il­ity, and user ex­per­i­ence, en­sur­ing you're equipped to make in­formed de­cisions con­fid­ently.

Create Your Own Tailored LPA in 10 Minutes

Simply answer a few ques­tions to help us un­der­stand your situ­ation and pref­er­ences. The ser­vice will then per­son­al­ise your Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney (LPA) for you.

After pay­ment, you can in­stantly down­load your doc­u­ment or opt for home de­liv­ery. With Aatos for only £99 you'll re­ceive a free home de­liv­ery and can create a Last Will for free.

Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney Online: The pro­cess

Cre­at­ing Last­ing Powers of At­tor­ney online is straight­for­ward. Here’s a quick run­down of the steps:

  1. Choose the Type of LPA
  2. Re­gister and Fill in the Form
    • Visit a reput­able online LPA ser­vice, create an ac­count, and fill in the LPA form with your de­tails.
  3. Choose Your At­tor­ney(s)
    • Select the person or people you trust to act as your at­tor­ney(s) and spe­cify their powers.
  4. Get the Forms Wit­nessed
    • Des­pite the online pro­cess, sign­ing the forms in ink is a must. Some plat­forms will post the LPA to you for sig­na­ture, and others let you print it your­self. An in­de­pend­ent wit­ness must ob­serve your sign­ing. That’s someone not named in the LPA and not re­lated to anyone in­volved.
  5. Cer­ti­fic­ate Pro­vider:  A Cer­ti­fic­ate Pro­vider needs to sign the LPA. They must be someone who has known you for at least two years, or a pro­fes­sion­al with rel­ev­ant skills and ex­pert­ise, such as a doctor or so­li­cit­or. Their role is to ensure that you are cre­at­ing the LPA of your own free will and that you un­der­stand its im­plic­a­tions.
  6. Re­gister Your LPA
    • Once com­pleted and signed, it's time to re­gister your LPA with the Office of the Public Guard­i­an. Some online pro­viders may re­quire you to handle this step your­self, where­as others offer to ar­range it for you once you post your signed LPA back to them.

Re­mem­ber, every step can be com­pleted at your own pace, so you have plenty of time to make sure you're com­fort­able and un­der­stand each part of the pro­cess.

Read more: Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney – A Com­plete Guide

Online LPA Ser­vices in the UK

When con­sid­er­ing an online Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney in the UK, you have sev­er­al op­tions, each with their own pros and cons:

Gov­ern­ment Web­sites

The plat­form is cost-ef­fect­ive, of­fer­ing a direct, straight­for­ward pro­cess fo­cused on legal ac­cur­acy.

The down­side? It lacks per­son­al­ised guid­ance, which can be daunt­ing for new­comers.

⚠️ Be very care­ful if you’re going with this option, be­cause errors in your ap­plic­a­tion could lead to re­jec­tion and ad­di­tion­al fees.

Firms like Aatos mod­ern­ise the LPA pro­cess with in­nov­at­ive, user-friendly tech­no­logy at com­pet­it­ive prices. They strike a bal­ance between af­ford­ab­il­ity and user sup­port, ideal for those seek­ing clar­ity and a per­son­al­ised ser­vice without the high costs of using a tra­di­tion­al so­li­cit­or.

Read more about LPA cost

Tra­di­tion­al Law Firms with Di­git­al Solu­tions

For com­pre­hens­ive sup­port, some tra­di­tion­al law firms are start­ing to provide online LPA ser­vices with the ad­vant­age of expert guid­ance.

This option offers peace of mind through per­son­al­ised as­sist­ance, but usu­ally comes at a higher cost than the other op­tions.

Read more about Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney forms

How Much For Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney Online?

The cost of an online LPA in the U.K. dif­fers by ser­vice.

  • Cre­at­ing an LPA on is free, but you’ll then need to pay a £82 fee to re­gister it.
  • Legal tech com­pan­ies charge £90-£120 per LPA, plus the £82 gov­ern­ment re­gis­tra­tion fee. 
  • Tra­di­tion­al law firms vary, cost­ing £90-£500 per LPA, in ad­di­tion to the £82 gov­ern­ment re­gis­tra­tion fee.

Read more: The Cost of LPA Ex­plained

Key Con­sid­er­a­tions When Choos­ing an Online LPA Ser­vice

Find­ing the per­fect online LPA ser­vice can make a big dif­fer­ence. Here are a few tips to help you pick wisely:

  • Com­pany’s Track Record
    • Go for a ser­vice with a solid track record. A quick look at re­views can tell you a lot about their trust­wor­thi­ness.
  • Keep­ing Your Info Safe
    • Your per­son­al de­tails need top-notch se­cur­ity. Make sure the ser­vice uses strong pro­tec­tions and fol­lows data pro­tec­tion laws.
  • Help­ful Cus­tom­er Sup­port
    • It’s nice to have someone there when you need a hand. See if the pro­vider’s team is easy to con­tact, quick to re­spond, and really knows their stuff. Access to a chat where you can ask ques­tions from a jurist can be a game-changer.
  • Clear In­struc­tions
    • You want guid­ance that gets straight to the point. The best ser­vices keep things simple, of­fer­ing help at every turn without making you feel lost.

Read more: How to Use a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney?

Create a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney Online

Choos­ing the right online LPA pro­vider is all about bal­ance. Re­mem­ber to always con­sider the con­veni­ence against the amount of legal advice you might need, es­pe­cially if your situ­ation is com­plex.

Whatever route you pick, make sure it ticks all legal boxes to make sure that your LPA is ac­cur­ate and ef­fect­ive.

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