LPA Costs in the UK

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02/04/2024 ● 3 minutes
If you’re con­sid­er­ing set­ting up a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney (LPA), un­der­stand­ing the costs in­volved in set­ting one up is cru­cial. After all, these costs can greatly in­flu­ence your de­cision-making pro­cess. By read­ing this guide, you’ll be pre­pared for any fin­an­cial com­mit­ments in­volved in cre­at­ing your LPA.

The cost of set­ting up a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney (LPA) in the UK de­pends on where the doc­u­ment is made. It's im­port­ant to con­sider the LPA cost when plan­ning your estate.

In the UK, there are two types of LPA: one for Health and Wel­fare, and an­oth­er for Prop­erty and Fin­an­cial Af­fairs.

For­tu­nately, both types of LPA typ­ic­ally cost the same, and it’s 100% pos­sible to set these up on a budget - es­pe­cially thanks to online ser­vices such as Aatos, which guide you through the entire pro­cess seam­lessly.

What Costs Are In­volved in Set­ting Up an LPA?

  • Re­gis­tra­tion Fees: The Office of the Public Guard­i­an (OPG) in the UK charges a fee to re­gister each LPA. Cur­rently, the cost is £82 per LPA, mean­ing if you decide to set up both a Health and Wel­fare LPA and a Fin­an­cial Mat­ters LPA, the two types, the total re­gis­tra­tion cost will be £164. It's im­port­ant to budget for these fees as part of the LPA pro­cess, how­ever, it’s also worth noting that there are some re­duc­tions or ex­emp­tions avail­able de­pend­ing on your income or be­ne­fits.
  • Ad­visor Fees: While it's pos­sible to com­plete an LPA without pro­fes­sion­al help, many people opt for the guid­ance of a so­li­cit­or or pro­fes­sion­al ad­visor. The cost for this ser­vice can vary widely de­pend­ing on the com­plex­ity of your wishes and the ad­visor's rates. On av­er­age, you might expect to pay between £200 and £1,000 for pro­fes­sion­al advice re­gard­ing set­ting up an LPA, al­though fees can be higher for more com­plex situ­ations.
  • Draft­ing Fees: You can draft an LPA for free on the gov.uk web­site, but this can be chal­len­ging if you’re not used to the pro­cess. For this reason, many people opt to use an online LPA ser­vice or a so­li­cit­or to help them com­plete their LPA. Legal tech com­pan­ies typ­ic­ally charge between £90 - £120 per LPA, with so­li­cit­ors typ­ic­ally char­ging between £150 and £500 per LPA.
  • Other As­so­ci­ated Ex­penses: Beyond the re­gis­tra­tion fee, po­ten­tial ad­visor costs, and po­ten­tial draft­ing fee, there may be ad­di­tion­al ex­penses to con­sider. These could in­clude notary fees if you need to cer­ti­fy doc­u­ments, or med­ic­al as­sess­ment fees if a pro­fes­sion­al eval­u­ation of your abil­ity to make de­cisions is re­quired as part of the LPA setup pro­cess.

Read more: How to Re­gister an LPA in the UK?

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When choos­ing Aatos for only £99, you'll re­ceive a tailored LPA as well as a Last Will.

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Tips for Man­aging LPA Costs

Man­aging the costs of cre­at­ing a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney (LPA) does­n't have to be daunt­ing. Here are some prac­tic­al tips to keep ex­penses man­age­able while en­sur­ing your LPA is cor­rectly set up:

  • DIY Op­tions: The Office of the Public Guard­i­an provides re­sources and guid­ance for those wish­ing to com­plete an LPA on their own. Provided your situ­ation is not com­plex, you can save on so­li­cit­or fees by fol­low­ing the step-by-step in­struc­tions avail­able on their web­site.
  • Seek­ing Af­ford­able Legal Advice: Look for legal ad­visors or so­li­cit­ors of­fer­ing fixed-rate pack­ages for LPA cre­ation. Some law firms might also provide free ini­tial con­sulta­tions, which can help you un­der­stand your needs better without a fin­an­cial com­mit­ment.
  • Using Online Ser­vices: Sev­er­al online plat­forms, like Aatos, offer guided LPA cre­ation ser­vices at a frac­tion of tra­di­tion­al law firm costs. Aatos walks you through the pro­cess of draft­ing and set­ting up your LPA, en­sur­ing all legal re­quire­ments are met. Re­mem­ber to choose a ser­vice with pos­it­ive re­views and a clear pri­cing struc­ture.

Read more: Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney Online: Ex­plor­ing Your Op­tions

Seek­ing Pro­fes­sion­al Guid­ance

While saving on your LPA cost is im­port­ant, making sure that your LPA ac­cur­ately re­flects your wishes is non-ne­go­ti­able.

If your estate or wishes are com­plex, in­volving mul­tiple prop­er­ties, busi­nesses, or spe­cif­ic health­care in­struc­tions, pro­fes­sion­al advice is a smart idea to ensure your LPA is cor­rectly draf­ted - even though the cost of your LPA will in­crease be­cause of this need for advice.

Ad­di­tion­ally, if there's po­ten­tial for family dis­putes, a pro­fes­sion­al can help mit­ig­ate future con­flicts. The cost of draft­ing an LPA with a so­li­cit­or is always higher, but, if family dis­putes are a risk, this com­par­at­ively small extra in­vest­ment could save you time, stress and money in the future.

When choos­ing a so­li­cit­or or ad­visor, ask about their ex­per­i­ence with LPAs, spe­cific­ally within Health and Wel­fare and Prop­erty and Fin­an­cial Af­fairs. Agree all pos­sible fees up­front to avoid sur­prises.

How Much Does an LPA Cost?

Gen­er­ally, the cost of one LPA in the UK is between £82 for the re­gis­tra­tion fee alone (if you choose the DIY route) to up­wards of £500 - the av­er­age cost of an LPA with a so­li­cit­or.

It’s im­port­ant to bal­ance the need to keep costs low with the com­plex­ity of your situ­ation and why you need the LPA. En­sur­ing that your LPA is leg­ally valid and ex­presses your wishes cor­rectly is always the most im­port­ant con­sid­er­a­tion.

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