A Record number of Cu­st­o­mers in Den­mark after laun­ching Subscrip­tion

Press release


The founders of Aatos
Aatos uses artificial intelligence (AI) comprehensively in its services. The AI provides personalised recommendations to clients and responds to legal inquiries via chat.

The Nordic-based di­gi­tal legal ser­vi­ce Aatos offers the world's first annual subscrip­tion for hand­ling legal mat­ters. The fast-growing startup in­cor­pora­tes ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gen­ce into its ser­vi­ce, gu­a­ran­te­e­ing that cli­ents' legal mat­ters are kept up-to-date.

Establis­hed in 2020, Aatos is renow­ned for its user-fri­end­ly and award-win­ning legal ser­vi­ces. This ra­pid­ly ex­pan­ding startup is ope­ra­tio­nal in Den­mark, Sweden and Fin­land with plans to extend into Great Bri­tain in the spring. The re­cent­ly in­tro­du­ced Aatos Be­kym­rings­fri annual subscrip­tion fa­ci­li­ta­tes a long-la­sting and thor­ough client re­la­tions­hip, en­suring a com­plete as­ses­sment of the client’s si­tu­a­tion beyond just a single do­cu­ment.

Aatos Be­kym­rings­fri annual subscrip­tion is priced at 499 kronor. This fee covers the cre­a­tion of per­so­na­li­sed legal do­cu­ments, de­li­very of prin­ted do­cu­ments to your home, di­gi­tal sto­rage, and access to cur­rent legal as­si­stan­ce. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, the ser­vi­ce gu­a­ran­te­es that your do­cu­ments will be up­da­ted as your life circum­stan­ces evolve.

Cli­ents rarely recog­nise their own legal needs. Our ser­vi­ce clear­ly ex­plains to the user what do­cu­ments are be­ne­fi­ci­al in their par­ti­cu­lar si­tu­a­tion. For in­stan­ce, a person doing a la­sting power of at­tor­ney (frem­tids­fuld­magt) might be­ne­fit also from doing a last will (te­sta­mente) or even a gift letter (ga­ve­brev),” says Aku Pöl­lä­nen, co-fo­un­der and CEO of Aatos.

Aatos uses ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gen­ce (AI) com­pre­hen­si­vely in its ser­vi­ces. The AI provi­des per­so­na­li­sed recom­men­da­tions to cli­ents and re­sponds to legal inqui­ri­es via chat.

"The logic used by ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gen­ce has been de­ve­l­oped and trai­ned with Aatos's own legal know­led­ge in a closed en­viron­ment. Pra­cti­cal­ly, the AI trans­la­tes the al­go­rit­hm into a form un­der­stan­dab­le by humans and serves as a sort of legal know­led­ge bank. In ad­di­tion to the AI, our cu­st­o­mer ser­vi­ce is always avai­lab­le to help when needed," Pöl­lä­nen de­tails.

Many Danes invest thous­ands of Krone each year in fi­nan­ci­al security through in­su­ran­ce plans. Yet, in­su­ran­ce be­ne­fits ma­te­ri­a­lise only when spe­ci­fic events occur. Con­ver­sely, legal do­cu­ments offer pro­tection in va­rious circum­stan­ces, such as se­rious il­l­ness, ac­ci­dents and death. Only few are pre­pa­red to manage their af­fairs, ad­dress what hap­pens to their pro­perty, or sup­port their loved ones.

"The ini­ti­al fe­ed­ba­ck in­di­ca­tes that the annual subscrip­tion sa­tis­fa­cto­rily ad­dres­ses a sig­ni­fi­cant need. In Den­mark, we’ve had a record number of cu­st­o­mers after laun­ching the subscrip­tion. A ma­jo­rity of our cli­ents prefer an ongo­ing subscrip­tion over acqui­ring a single do­cu­ment. This option is even se­lected by cli­ents who al­re­ady po­s­sess all ne­ces­sary do­cu­ments," Pöl­lä­nen ex­plains.

A 2023 study by Aatos re­ve­a­led that many Danes neg­lect to pre­pare legal do­cu­ments, per­cei­ving legal mat­ters as not im­me­di­a­tely re­le­vant. High costs, the com­ple­xity of legal issues, and un­certainty about how to manage these do­cu­ments furt­her deter them.

"Our ser­vi­ce is de­sig­ned to tackle these very chal­len­ges. The annual subscrip­tion model enab­les cli­ents to pre­pare es­sen­ti­al do­cu­ments wit­hout une­xpected costs," says Pöl­lä­nen.

For examp­le, draf­ting a will at a law firm can easily cost up to 7,000 kronor. Due to these ex­pen­ses, do­cu­ments seldom get up­da­ted.

"An out­da­ted will could, in the worst-case sce­na­rio, com­pli­cate estate di­stri­bu­tion, for in­stan­ce, if heirs are om­it­ted or an ex-spouse is mista­ken­ly in­clu­ded. Our ser­vi­ce en­su­res that do­cu­ments remain always up-to-date," Pöl­lä­nen notes.

Aatos's online ser­vi­ce is con­ti­nu­al­ly evol­ving, in­tro­ducing more fe­a­tu­res that be­ne­fit users.

"Short­ly, users will be able to inform their close ones about the exi­sten­ce of a la­sting power of at­tor­ney or a will, ke­epi­ng them in­for­med for when the time comes," adds Pöl­lä­nen.


Aku Pöl­lä­nen
Fo­un­der & CEO

Mariia Kuk­kakor­pi
Com­mu­ni­ca­tions ma­na­ger

Establis­hed in 2020, Aatos, an online legal ser­vi­ce, ope­ra­tes in Den­mark, Fin­land and Sweden, and plans to expand into Great Bri­tain in spring 2024. The com­pany offers a range of ser­vi­ces, in­clu­ding pre­nup­ti­al agre­e­ments, la­sting power of at­tor­ney, gift let­ters, debt let­ters and last wills.

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