Doc­u­ment Cer­ti­fic­a­tion

A UK passport on a table
Cer­ti­fied Copy of Pass­portHow to cer­ti­fy a copy of your pass­port in the UK?
A Woman drinking tea and sitting in front of a laptop
How to Get Your Doc­u­ments Cer­ti­fied at the Post Office?Post office cer­ti­fies doc­u­ments. Easier al­tern­at­ives also exist.
A person signing contracts
What Is an Apos­tille? Guide to Leg­al­ising Doc­u­ments AbroadMean­ing of apos­tille ex­plained.
London skylines
What is At­test­a­tion?At­test­a­tion is cru­cial for veri­fy­ing the au­then­ti­city of doc­u­ments.
Person som arbetar digitalt framför dator
How to Cer­ti­fy a Doc­u­ment in the UK?Learn how to cor­rectly cer­ti­fy a copy of a doc­u­ment in the UK.


WFH (1).png
How the AI Re­volu­tion is Re­shap­ing Legal Ca­reers?AI is re­shap­ing legal ca­reers—ef­fi­ciency, flex­ib­il­ity, new roles.
A person checking documents by the desk
Tips for Busi­nesses to Use AI Doc­u­ment Gen­er­at­orGuide on using AI doc­u­ment gen­er­at­ors
Office corridor in a modern office building.
Em­ploy­ment Con­tract in a Nut­shellEverything re­lated to em­ploy­ment con­tract ex­plained.
A person holding a smartphone where is a sticky tape saying "Sign here".
Free Elec­tron­ic Sig­na­ture: Pay At­ten­tion to Se­cur­ityThere is a big dif­fer­ence between free Elec­tron­ic Sig­na­ture pro­viders.
A Woman typing a laptop
Adding an Elec­tron­ic Sig­na­ture in WordGuide on how to add elec­tron­ic sig­na­ture in Word doc­u­ment.

Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney

Reddeckers driving towards
LPA Costs in the UKWhat costs are in­volved in set­ting up an LPA?
A couple holding hands
Ap­point­ing an LPA At­tor­ney in the UKLegal stand­ards and prac­tic­al guide for LPA at­tor­ney.
City streets of Birmingham
Check How to Re­gister LPAGuides on re­gis­ter­ing LPA with the Office of the Public Guard­i­an.
Family flying a kite
Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney – Forms for FreeCheck out ex­ample what are the forms for LPA.
Man tänker vid dator
How to Use a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney?Es­sen­tial steps to use a Last­ing Power of At­tor­ney in the UK.


Wedding venue with circle tables
How Common is it to Write a Prenup in the UKPren­ups are quickly be­com­ing a go-to for couples across the UK.
A Couple dancing in forest
Mar­riage vs Co­hab­it­ing: The Legal and Social Im­plic­a­tionsWhat does it mean leg­ally to get mar­ried?
Hands showing rings and a flower bucket
What Are the Be­ne­fits of Having a Prenup?Find out all the key be­ne­fits of get­ting a prenup in the UK!
Wedding rings on a rock
What Is a Prenup? Everything You Need to KnowWe'll ex­plain what is a prenup.
Two people hugging
Post­nup vs Prenup: What’s the dif­fer­ence?Everything about post­nups ex­plained.


Black and white photo of person walking on a street in a big city
What Hap­pens If You Die Without a Will? Es­sen­tial In­sightsFind out what are the legal rules.
What is a Dis­cre­tion­ary Will Trust?Dis­cre­tion­ary Will Trust can be a useful tool for estate plan­ning.
Searching for a will
Find a Will EasilyPrac­tic­al tips for find­ing a Will in the UK.
Judge's hammer
Suc­cess Rate of Con­test­ing a Will in the UKSuc­cess­fully con­test­ing a Will in the UK is not an easy pro­cess.
person doing a last will and testament
Free Will Tem­plate – Ex­ample and GuideBasic ex­ample of what a Will looks like.
Personal legal assistance at your fingertips
Coming soon
Lasting power of attorney
Living will
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